body positivity, dating, healing, love, mental health, relationships

12 (affordable) Items you NEED to Level Up

12 practical items you need to elevate your life

career, friendships, social media, workplace

Time to Skidaddle: Leaving an Unfulfilling Job

It's been a while  since I've discussed issues surrounding the workplace and since my personal and professional life tend to move in tandem, it's time I share my personal tips on knowing when and  how to leave a job. There are plenty of articles that do a great job of listing signs that it's time to quit.… Continue reading Time to Skidaddle: Leaving an Unfulfilling Job

dating, love, relationships

“I’m Not Ready” and Other Lies Men Tell

"Why do women let themselves be taken advantage of?" he asked, as he took another swig of beer. My friend was pissed. He'd been dating a girl who was beautiful, smart, ambitious, and kind.  And she was stuck on a guy who "wasn't ready for a relationship". I sympathized with him because I, too, have been… Continue reading “I’m Not Ready” and Other Lies Men Tell